FREE 3 Day Facebook CHallenge

How to start loving midlife TODAY!

Presented by
Kath Cheng

Are you a mum over 45 who have grown up kids?
Now that your kids are older, do you feel in a bit of a limbo, and not sure what's next?
Maybe you lack motivation and just don't know where to start?

Does every day feel like more of the same and you are just ticking along, but you feel like there must be more beyond this?

You are not alone—I understand the challenges you're facing.

I wish to invite you to my 3-day Facebook challenge, where together, we can break free from the rut and start creating lasting changes.

Give me the chance to share some of the invaluable tips and effective methods that helped give me the jump-start I needed to start embracing a life that I absolutely love!
So that you can start creating the life you want, too!

Let's rewrite your story and create a vibrant future that you are excited about!

Taking place in a private Facebook group
Sat 18th, Sun 19th & Mon 20th November 2023
At 10am (UK)

(approx. 30-45 mins each day)

(3am PST/5am EST/4am CST - If you would like replays, sign up to get FREE 24hrs access )

If you are seriously fed up with your life , change it! It's up to you. You are one decision away from a different life!


Sign up and join me LIVE!

Your new chapter

Picture waking up in the morning, brimming with excitement for the day ahead. Imagine embracing the knowledge that the world is full of limitless possibilities, waiting for you to explore and conquer. No longer held back by fear, you can dare to dream and envision the life you truly desire.

Now, it's all about YOU! Your wants, your capabilities, and your aspirations take centre stage. You've dedicated more than enough time to caring for your family—it's finally time to prioritize your own well-being and seize the life you've always yearned for.

Let's embark on this journey together, unlocking your true potential and empowering you to live the life you've been longing for! It's time to put yourself first and embark on a transformative adventure of self-discovery and personal fulfillment

Say "YES" To YOU!

See you on the inside!

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